Partly cloudy. High 48F. Winds N at 10 to 15 mph..
Partly cloudy skies. Very cold. Low 31F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph.
Updated: January 7, 2025 @ 11:16 am
The E.D. White soccer team posted a 3-1 win over Terrebonne High Saturday.
EDW head coach Nick Duet said he just installed a new foundation, and his team handled the quick change really well. Duet added that the defense “held it down,” and the team played composed.
The Cardinals three goals were made by Michael Pere, Carter Douglas, and Nate Thompson.
Next up for the Cardinals (5-6-3) will be St. Michael at 6 pm Tuesday at the Thibodaux Regional Wellness Center
View the gallery of the game below:
Photos by BRAD WEIMER Photographer
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