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Multiple members of the Rocky View Roller Derby Association will be heading to Australia in July to represent Canada at the World Cup.
Those attending include (also with their derby name):
Sarah Stilborn, Rylee’s mom, explained that they all went to tryouts for Team Canada in October and made the top 30 players.
“Then, they went for a second round of tryouts and made the top 20. So they will be six of 20 to play and represent Canada in the World Cup.”
As a parent, Stilborn is excited as this is her daughter’s second World Cup.
“We’re super excited, because she’s at that elite level of her sport, and gets to go and show her skills off.”
The six athletes will be playing in the co-ed division, competing against boys and girls aged 13-18. This weekend, the group is hosting a bottle drive to help with the cost of travelling to Australia.
“We are doing a bottle drive on January 12, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Walmart parking lot.”
They will have a Bottle Depot truck on location for those wanting to support and drop bottles off. Players will be going house to house as well as collecting.


Stilborn finished off by thanking everybody who does support them and that the athletes are excited to represent Canada.
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