Former India batsman Vinod Kambli’s deteriorating health came to notice during his recent public appearance. He was sharing the stage with the likes of Sachin Tendulkar, Pravin Amre, Balwinder Singh Sandhu and Sanjay Bangar at a memorial event for legendary coach Ramakant Achrekar where he appeared physically weak. A viral video of him clinging to his childhood friend Tendulkar sparked a wave of concern.
Several media reports have already brought Kambli’s struggles to light. His alcohol addiction has already led to several conflicts with his friends from the cricketing circle. However, the former India cricketer has now received assistance from the members of India’s 1983 World Cup-winning team, but on one condition: Kambli must be willing to take the first step towards recovery.
“Kapil (Dev, captain of the 1983 team) has told me clearly that if he wants to go to rehab, then we are willing to help him financially," former India seamer Sandhu was quoted as saying by
“However, he has to check into rehab himself first. Only if he does that, we are ready to foot the bill, irrespective of how long the treatment lasts," Sandhu added.
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This isn’t the first time that Kapil Dev & Co have come forward to extend monetary help to a former Indian cricketer. Earlier, the heroes of the ’83 World Cup provided support to former opener and coach Anshuman Gaekwad in his battle with cancer.
Marcus Couto, a former first-class umpire who is close to Kambli, revealed to The Times of India that the former cricketer has severe health issues.
“He has severe, multiple health issues," Couto said.
“There’s no point in him going for rehab — Kambli has already gone to rehab 14 times! Thrice we took him to a rehab in Vasai," he added.
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After making his international debut in 1993, Kambli went on to play 17 Tests and 104 ODIs for the country. After playing the first two Tests of his career, he showcased his calibre with back-to-back double hundreds, against England and Zimbabwe, and then notched a century in Sri Lanka as well.
Kambli amassed 1,084 runs in Tests and 2,477 runs in ODIs with four and two hundreds, respectively.
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